Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oatmeal Cake Mug

Good Morning SkinnyMinis! 
I love breakfast. Omelets, french toast, cereal, pancakes, it all. 
(Too bad a lot of breakfasts can be super high in cals/fats/and sugars)

But, since I was little I have always had a special place in my heart for oatmeal. Cold winter and fall mornings with a big steaming bowl of oatmeal and banana slices. So comforting and delicious. To this day I love my oatmeal, but truthfully and honestly, it can get a little boring after a while. 
So, I decided to mix it up a bit and instead of the typical bowl of hot cereal I made 


This breakfast was so good (and so good for you!) I actually had it for breakfast and then again for dinner. 
Peanut butter...weakness.

What You'll Need:
1/4 Cup of dry Quaker oats
1 egg (or 2 egg whites/1/4 cup of egg substitute)
Tbs of milk
Half of a mashed banana
Frozen fruit (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)
1 Tbs Natural peanut (or any nut) butter
Less sugar jam
And a fork

In a mug empty your dry oats in and mix together with egg and mashed banana. Add the milk and frozen fruit - I used blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries 
(the frozen fruit gives it a natural sweetness). 
Once all mixed together put the mug in the microwave for 45 seconds - a minute and 20 seconds depending on the power of the microwave. Keep checking on it to make sure the oatmeal doesn't flow over the top and overcook.
Once finished, put on a plate and put a Tbs of natural peanut/almond/cashew butter on top and a little of low sugar jam. 

Enjoy you SkinnyMinis!

Cost of Ingredients:
Nutritional Information:
Made with egg white
Calories: 280
Fat: 10g
Sugar: 6g
Protein: 7g
Fiber: 7g
Carbs: 32g

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No Sugar Added Granola Bars

I spend way to much money on granola bars. I love trying new flavors; chocolate chip, peanut butter, oat, pumpkin, trail mix...and I pretty much love them all. 
Problem with granola bars is that you really need to be careful which ones you buy because the sugar content in some brands can be crazy stup!d (also, when you buy them and eat them as much as I do, it really adds up fast; 6 bars a box just doesn't cut it for this granola junkie.)
So, I came up with this really quick and really easy recipe for...drumroll please...
No Sugar Added Granola Bars!

This recipe is super healthy (and SO cheap to make considering how many batches you can make), and has the perfect amount of sweetness which comes naturally from the dried fruit.

What You'll Need:
2 Cups of rolled oats
2 Ripe bananas
1/2 Cup of unsweetened apple sauce
1/3 Cup Craisins or Raisins (I used a mix of both)
6-7 Chopped dried prunes
1/3 Cup Crushed mixed nuts
1tsp Cinnamon
1tsp Nutmug

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large bowl mix ripened bananas until smooth. Add the oats, cinnamon, and nutmug, and mix all together until oats absorb the banana. Add the apple sauce, all the dried fruit and mixed nuts. Mix together until well blended. 
Line a 2-3 inch deep glass baking dish with parchment paper and spread the oat mixture evenly across it.
Bake for 20-25 minutes...check to make sure it doesn't get dry though!

Let cool and chop into pieces and store in the fridge or freezer to enjoy as healthy snacks for breakfast, before lunch, and after dinner!

Enjoy You SkinnyMinis!

Cost of Ingredients:
(when buying full containers of each)

Cost Per Bar:
There are so many batches to make, its practically impossible to find out
the cost per each bar.
Pretty awesome.

Nutritional Information:
One bar - 16 bars per batch
Calories: 60
Fat: 2 grams
Saturated Fat: 0 grams
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 4g
Sugar: 3g
Carbs: 12g

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Summer Inspired Salad

Summer is my favorite season by far. 80 degree weather, flip flops, bathing suits - which reminds me I need to start working out more - tans, and light yummy foods and fruits!
Besides summer deck grilling of chicken, corn, kabobs, I love love love to make this salad. It is fruity, light, and so good. When I get the winter blues I cheat on summer time and whip this salad up so I can pretend i'm not in Rhode Island in January and it's actually beach worthy weather outside.

What You'll Need:
Package of spinach leaves
Container of Strawberries
An apple
Candied nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds)
1/4 Cup Reduced fat feta cheese
An avocado
Package of craisins
Salad dressing you like - I prefer balsamic
(BE CAREFUL about dressings! Some can
have hundreds of calories and are loaded
with fat! Find a dressing that has about 
80 calories per TBS or so, and no more than
5g of fat)

*If you want more protein you can always add grilled chicken on top*

Rinse spinach leaves off and place in paper towel and pat dry. Place spinach leaves in a large bowl and grab the strawberries, apple, and avocado. Slice the strawberries, thinly slice the apple, and dice up the avocado and throw into the spinach bowl. Take about a handful of candied nuts and craisins and put them on top of the salad. Finish by toping with feta cheese.
I never put the dressing on the salad when its in the bowl because it makes the spinach soggy.

Enjoy you Skinny Minis!

Average Price of Ingredients:
Price per serving:
Makes 4 Servings
Nutritional Facts:
With light balsamic dressing
Calories - 270
Fat - 12g
Saturated Fat- 6g
Protein: 7g
Carbs: 14g

Maple Greek Yogurt, Almond & Banana Parfait

When I wake up the first thing I usually think about is what I'm going to eat for breakfast (unless I drank too much pinot the night before...but that's besides the point). 
Besides my typical, quick, go-to whole wheat english muffins with natural peanut butter and sliced bananas, if I have more time I love to chow down on a
homemade greek yogurt parfait.
Greek yogurt is strained. Straining removes more water from the yogurt, making it more dense, firm and creamy, and it contains nearly double the amount of protein compared the leading regular yogurts. It has less carbs than regular yogurt, has three times the calcium, and half the sodium. 
It is a nutritional powerhouse.

I started off eating the flavored greek yogurt flavors to get used to the consistency and taste, and now I wont look back. Now, I eat the plain non-fat version of greek yogurt, which is hard to get used to because it is a little bitter in taste, but it has more than half the amount of sugar compared to the flavored varieties. And, I like adding my own toppings into it anyways!

What You'll Need:
3/4 cup of Chobani plain non-fat greek yogurt
10 Cinnamon Almonds or Walnuts
1 1/2 tbs Sugar free Maple syrup
1/2 a banana
Dash of cinnamon

In a bowl empty 3/4 C of greek yogurt. Take almonds, slice in half, garnish on top of yogurt. Slice half of a banana on top, sprinkle with a small amount of cinnamon, and pour your sugar free maple syrup over all ingredients.

Either mix all together or start from the top! However you like it!
I personally like to get a bite of everything in each bite :)

Enjoy You Skinny Mini!

Average Price of Ingredients:
(Buying containers of each)
Price per serving:
Nutritional Facts:
Calories - 220
Fat - 6g
Saturated Fat- .5g
Protein: 16g
Carbs: 14g

Rice, Broccoli, Edamame, Black Bean, Chicken & Cheese Plate

Need a painless dinner? STOP! Don't reach for the Raman Noodles! I understand we all have long days, and sometimes when we get home and we're just so hungry we will eat anything as long as it's there and its quick. Well, I have the perfect alternative for that right here that won't leave you scraping the salt scum off your tongue for days.

It takes about 10 minutes, if that, and it is way more satisfying and nutritionally beneficial for you than any prepackaged frozen meal or can of 6 year old noodles (Eek). 
For me, there is nothing not to love about this dinner. It has some of my favorite vegetables, shredded cheese, and my preferred poultry. Broccoli topped with brown rice, shredded mozzarella cheese, and black beans with a side of edamame and chicken. 
Bring it on.

What You'll Need:
1 Chicken cutlet
3/4 Cup of frozen broccoli
1/2 Cup of brown rice
Handful of shredded cheese

2 Tbs of black beans
1/2 Cup of frozen edamame

Defrost your chicken and then using either a nonstick pan or a indoor grill (like a George Forman), grill your chicken cutlet. Place your broccoli in the microwave safe dish and cover the top and steam for about a minute and 45 seconds. After broccoli is finished place edamame in microwave and steam for a minute and 30 seconds. 
Once chicken is cooked through (no pink on the inside), remove from heat and let cool down on your plate. Cut up broccoli to how you like it and top with brown rice, shredded cheese, and black beans. Put the edamame on your plate aside your chicken and rice, and wa-la!
Quick, simple, tasty, and very healthy.

Enjoy you Skinny Minis!

Average Price of Ingredients:

Price per serving:

Nutritional Facts:
Calories - 350
Fat - 9g
Saturated Fat- 3g
Protein: 27g
Carbs: 18g

Zucchini Pizzas

It wasn't until about a year ago I realized that there was a difference between a zucchini and a cucumber. They look almost exactly the same and taste fairly bland (unless you have some hummus or something. Yum!) My mom made a zucchini pie one night and it was love at first bite. Cheesy and delicious, and even better...healthy! The zucchini pie takes a little while to make...and calls for pie crust, which im trying to cut those buttery things out of my diet, so I found this recipe for almost the same thing, but "pizza" style!
Mama mia, so good!
Instead of the pie crust the zucchini acts as the 'dough'. It's a less fat, less calorie, less carb and sodium way to enjoy the flavors that emerge from zucchini when you add a little cheese and throw it in the owen for a bit.
So cheap to make too....and with calorie stats like what its got, go back for a third serving!
(my roommate and I may have gone back for fourths before we were borderline comatose.)

What You'll Need:
Altered Recipe from:
3 Zucchinis
Olive oil or cooking spray
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Slices (or any veggie you want to throw on top)
Parmesan Cheese/or feta
Seasonings you like
Breadcrumbs/panko crumbs
Mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 425 degrees and slice your zucchinis lengthwise in half and either spray with cookig spray or rub a little olive oil inside. Using a spoon, spoon out the center to make a "boat like" hole to put in your toppings. In a small bowl, combine the zucchini that you scooped out, and tomato sauce/seasonings/parmesan cheese/and breadcrumbs to taste. (I used about 4oz of tomato sauce, 2 tbs of parm cheese - feta is so good to though!, a tsp of italian seasonings, and 1/4 a cup of panko crumbs). Mix all ingredients together and place into your zucchinis. 
Bake for about 15-20 minutes, remove from oven, sprinkle a little mozzarella cheese on top, place back in oven for a minute, then remove and let cool.
Then....dig in!

Enjoy SkinnyMinis!


Average Price of Ingredients:
Price per serving:
2 Pizzas Per serving
Nutritional Facts:
In the amount of ingredients I used
Calories - 220
Fat - 9g
Saturated Fat- 6g
Protein: 13g
Carbs: 25g